How To Choose The Right Fuel for Your Fireplace Logs
When looking into gas logs, you may think you only have two fuel types, but that isn't entirely true. There are actually three choices. You can choose between natural gas, propane gas, or electric logs for your hearth. Let's discuss each and the pros and cons of each.
Natural Gas: Natural gas is the most common non-electric fuel provided by utility companies and is the primary fuel used for residential heating. This is partially because it is lighter than the atmosphere and dissipates quickly in case of a gas leak. Many people choose natural gas for their fireplaces because it's widely available.
Propane: As mentioned above, propane is the counterpart to natural gas. It is more prevalent in rural areas since natural gas may be less easily available. Heavier than air in gaseous form, it is important to be aware that if a leak were to occur, the gas would sink to any enclosed area and pose a threat of explosion and fire.
For more information about natural gas and propane, you can read our article about the differences between the fuels written by an NFI-certified technician.
Electric: If neither natural gas nor propane sounds like your style, an electric log set might be right up your alley. These log sets can be used with or without to give you the ambiance of a true fire, even in the depths of summer! Using electricity instead of gas can save a pretty penny on additional fuel costs.
Now that we've selected the fuel type for your log set let's talk about vent types!