DirectVent Pro: A Guide For Coaxial Venting Systems
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DirectVent Pro Installation Guide

DirectVent Pro Installation Guide

DirectVent Pro by Simpson Duravent is a unitized, coaxial venting system designed for use with direct vent gas or propane stoves, heaters, and fireplaces. DirectVent Pro features tight inner connections for superb performance, with no gaskets or sealants required (unless specified by the appliance manufacturer). All black pipe lengths, pipe extensions, and elbows feature laser-welded outer wall seams for a sleek finish. Low-profile locks and no hems or beads allow for a beautiful product that looks elegant in any interior.

DirectVent Pro Installation Guide

DirectVent Pro, in combination with the gas appliance, has been tested and listed as a decorative gas appliance system or as a direct vent heater system by a major testing agency, such as UL, CSA, Warnock Hersey, or OMNI.

DirectVent Pro Installation Guide

Refer to the Typical Installation drawings below to select the appropriate component parts for your installation.

  • Engineered Excellence with innovation and style...DirectVent Pro. Simpson Dura-Vent's direct vent is specified exclusively by nearly every major stove and fireplace manufacturer in the U.S. and Canada, with the largest choice of termination caps for direct vent available.
  • All DirectVent Pro components are compatible with DirectVent GS stock, except for the DirectVent Pro Pipe Extensions.
  • Be fire safe! Use proper support and bracing. Follow local building codes and have your venting system inspected.
DirectVent Pro Installation Guide
DirectVent Pro Installation Guide

Planning Your Installation

1. For vertical gas stove installations, measure the height from the stove outlet to the ceiling to determine the length of black pipe required. Select a ceiling support/wall thimble cover or a cathedral ceiling support box.

2. To determine the length of galvanized pipe required, measure the ceiling thickness and the vertical rise in an attic or second story. Firestops are required at each floor level beyond the first floor ceiling support/wall thimble cover or cathedral ceiling support box. If an offset is required to avoid obstructions, use a pair of 45° elbows. For proper support, use elbow straps with offsets. Use wall straps for long vertical runs. Attic Insulation Shield is required in attic.

3. Measure the roof pitch. Select the proper flashing and storm collar. Determine the minimum height above the roof.

4. For horizontal installations, check the appliance manufacturer's instructions for minimum rise and maximum horizontal run. A snorkel termination may be used if height restrictions prevent adequate rise above the appliance. Select the appropriate Horizontal Termination Cap (see appliance manufacturer installation instructions). To protect vinyl siding, select vinyl siding standoff. Check appliance manufacturer's instructions for wall thimble and firestop requirements.

Design Recommendation

The following design recommendations are intended as only a general guideline to assist in the design and selection of venting components for your installation. Always read and follow Simpson Dura-Vent Installation instructions enclosed with the cap or support box before installing your chimney system. Installation instructions can be viewed on the item page on our website.

Important: Check the manufacturer's rating plate and instruction manual to confirm that the Simpson Dura-Vent direct vent system is approved for use on the brand name appliance you have selected.

  • The inner and outer pipe diameters should match the outlet size of the appliance.
  • Check the appliance manufacturer's installation instructions to confirm which types of vent configurations are permitted (i.e. horizontal, vertical, chimney reline, etc.). Also, check for any venting restrictions such as maximum horizontal run, minimum and maximum vertical rise, maximum offset, etc.
  • Be fire safe! Maintain at least the minimum clearances (air-space) between the vent pipe and nearby combustibles, as specified in the appliance manufacturer's installation instructions. Use proper support and bracing. Follow local building codes and have your venting system inspected.
DirectVent Pro Installation Guide

About the Author

Collin Champagne

With over 13 years in the industry, Collin is a National Fireplace Institute (NFI) certified technician and managed content for the eFireplacestore and eCanopy brands. He has achieved the highest NFI certification possible as a Master Hearth Professional and is certified in all three hearth appliance fields: wood, gas, and pellet. With experience with sales and in-field installations, his expertise shines through his technical knowledge and way with words.

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Customer Q&A with Product Specialists

Jpb from Oswego, New York asked:
Looking to install a propane gas-burning heating stove in a sunroom that has many windows. Looking for guidance on minimum clearances from windows and walls.
Looking to install a propane gas-burning heating stove in a sunroom that has many windows. Looking for guidance on minimum clearances from windows and walls.
If you are referring to the interior placement of the stove, direct vent gas stoves will not have clearance requirements that would be considered comparable to wood stoves, meaning that the clearances will be much more forgiving. However, please note that, just like wood stoves, clearance requirements will be specific to the stove and there will be no standard code pertaining to clearance requirements.
Answered by: Will M.


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