Why You Need A Fireplace Hood
Fireplace hoods are typically a piece of metal attached to a fireplace that deflects heat. They are sometimes called a fireplace canopy because they can have a tented shape and provide a type of covering for the fireplace.
Most pre-fabricated fireplaces ? made in a factory & shipped to your home ? include a fireplace hood that clips to the face of the fireplace. When installed, the fireplace hood will deflect heat from mantels, TV's, and any other objects susceptible to heat and on the wall above the fireplace.
- Elite Square End Fireplace Hood
Fireplace hoods come in many finishes like brass, pewter and chrome to name a few. They range in size from as small as 20" to around 55" for wider appliances. Though there are wider fireplace hoods than you might expect, you shouldn't expect to see a hood on a linear fireplace. Linear fireplaces distribute heat across such a large area of space, it usually isn't necessary to have a hood for protection of nearby objects.
If you are using ventless gas logs to update your current fireplace, it is important that you consider a fireplace hood. Ventless logs release all of their heat into the room and can have up to 40,0000 BTUs of output. So, low-hanging TV's or even drywall above the fireplace could end up damaged if you choose not to protect them with a fireplace hood.
- Elite Square End Fireplace Hood
If your unit did not come with a fireplace hood, you will need to take a few measurements to figure out which one will fit. Measure the depths of your mantel, TV or any objects that stick out from above the unit. You want the hood to be at least as deep as the object that sticks out the furthest. Though, a hood that is half the depth of the deepest object will help decrease potential heat damage a ton.
Next, measure the total width of the fireplace viewing area and ensure you purchase a hood that is at least that wide. If your fireplace opening is recessed into brick, the hood will need to be exactly as wide as the opening and a lintel mount style of hood used. Another option is to use a surface mount hood that attaches right to the material above the fireplace. Lastly, there are also glass enclosure style hoods that can be clipped right to the top of a glass door assembly, making them look more integral to the fireplace.
Fireplace hoods are a great investment to maintain the safety of your fireplace and the surrounding area. If you have any questions about purchasing a fireplace hood please feel free to call us today at 800.203.1642.